Randy Flood presented to an Adult Education Class at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids on the topic Intimate Relationships. Randy discussed how intimate relationships won’t thrive on passion alone, nor will they grow by becoming an expert on your partner’s deficits. In order for intimacy and connection to grow, relationships need to be intentional, skill-based, and covenantal. Our intimate relationships are integral in cultivating joy and satisfaction OR pain and unhappiness in our lives. Randy Flood, psychotherapist, helped participants understand how intimate relationships function along the continuum of healthy to dysfunctional. He elucidated how the paradigm for healthy relationships has evolved over time requiring greater personal development to achieve deeper intimacy and connection. He explored the dimensions of dysfunction and health so that participants are more mindful in their quest to develop loving, evolved and joyful relationships with their intimate partners.

Randy Flood, Director of the Men’s Resource Center at Fountain Hill
Phone: 616-456-1178