March 31 – April 3, 2016, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Join Randy Flood and Charlie Donaldson at this year’s American Men’s Studies Association (AMSA) conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan March 31 – April 3. The conference theme, “(Un)Masking Masculinities: Constructing and Deconstructing Representations of Masculinities” is the perfect occasion for them to offer insights into identifying, preventing, and treating toxic masculinity.

Randy will take part in the Boys to Men session where he will present the paper, Prevention as Possibility: Altogether Boys, co-authored by Ms. Maggie Fry, Advancement Coordinator for the Men’s Resource Center. Altogether Boys is a program created by the Men’s Resource Center that gives boys the tools they need to make informed choices about masculinity and to build the emotional awareness and relational tools necessary to have fulfilling social and personal relationships through a healthy self-esteem and open-hearted masculinities. Both Randy and Charlie will participate in an applied clinical workshop,”Mascupathy: A New Vision for Understanding and Treating Men and their Masculinities.”

To learn more about Altogether Boys, contact the Men’s Resource Center at 616-456-1178. For more about mascupathy, visit the Institute for the Prevention and Treatment of Mascupathy website.

Visit the AMSA website for details about the conference, including the schedule of events and activities, and to register on line.