Steff Condon, LMSW, ACSW has been a therapist for 36 years working in the field of addiction medicine and mental health. Since 2010 she has enjoyed a private practice working with men and women, couples and groups. She does two groups for Sanford House, an addiction treatment facility in west Michigan and co-facilitates men’s groups at the Men’s Resource Center of West Michigan with Randy Flood. Describing group therapy, Steff says, “It is a sacred place to go deeper than you ever have towards your own healing. And doing this sacred work in the company of others, where we’re truly seen and heard becomes the medicine for healing.”

Steff enjoys gardening, hiking, traveling to other countries, and restoring historic homes with her spouse. There’s a theme of restoration in all she does – gardens, houses, people, hearts – “God’s breath in and through.” She says she’s seen the beautiful fruit of recovery in lives changed by the emotional work of restoration: “The work of healing is worthy of respect. Being vulnerable, particularly for men, takes a level of courage and strength.”
Randy calls Steff a “master” in utilizing experiential exercises to get to the hidden roots and feelings under addictions and other struggles. She’s committed to helping clients work through the neglected and damaged rooms in their lives to restore their beauty, their essential goodness, and their freedom in spirit. In a conversation with Randy for the Revealing Men podcast, Steff talks about what she sees as the sacred experience of counseling men.