The customized programs and retreats for men offered by the Men’s Resource Center of West Michigan can be tailored to fit your next men-only gathering. Energetic, engaging, and effective they include time for individual introspection as well as experiential group activities, discussions, and relationship building. Our facilitators provide a safe and supportive environment in which each participant can choose his level of participation and self-disclosure. Men leave the retreats refreshed and renewed, equipped with strategies for improving their lives.

I Learned a Lot

I learned a lot about what I can do to benefit myself, my marriage, and my kids.


The retreats listed below are just some of what we offer. These are designed to fit within a two-hour or full weekend event. We can also tailor a retreat to meet your organization’s needs or interests and will work with you to plan accordingly. Each will be designed to fit a two-hour or full weekend.

Please see the descriptions below and contact the Men’s Resource Center for our fee schedule and more information.