Randy Flood, MA, LLP and Zach Flood, MA, LLP have presented several programs for Families Divided TV on parental alienation [see links below]. Randy, founder and director of the Men’s Resource Center has worked in the area of family forensic psychology since 1992. Zach works as a psychotherapist, associate evaluator, and coach. In this conversation, instead of a focus on targeted parents, they talk about the dilemmas informed and ethical clinicians, evaluators, and other mental health professionals face when working with alienation dynamics. Especially, Randy notes, when navigating the “litigious climate of family court.” “We think this is helpful for targeted parents and other professionals to hear,” Zach says. “Building empathy for and understanding of another person’s experience within a system can help everyone navigate the system better.”
Indeed, the two believe that when targeted parents can understand what guidelines family court professionals have to follow and the choices they’re called to make, they’ll be better equipped to decide the scope of both what they’re asking for and what they’re trying to accomplish. By knowing their options, targeted parents have more agency when working with the professionals who are there on their behalf.
Offering Insights and Awareness
Family Access-Fighting for Children’s Rights is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing help, education, and support to victims of parental and grandparent alienation. In an overview for viewers, Family Access says “While this discussion will not offer quick fixes or magical solutions, it will empower you with intricate and nuanced information to approach the professionals working on your case with empowering insights and awareness.”
Resources for Targeted Parents and Professionals
- When Average Parenting Isn’t Enough in Parental Alienation
- The Top Five Dilemmas Targeted Parents Face in Parental Alienation
- The Top Five Mistakes Rejected Targeted Parents Make
- Why Would the Children Say That? Navigating Loyalty Contracts
- Unwitting Accomplices: Interacting with the Professionals that Should be Helping
- When Instinct Isn’t Enough: Navigating Parental Alienation for Parents and Clinicians
Contact the Men’s Resource Center online or call us at (616) 456-1178 for more information about our counseling and coaching services for families and professionals navigating the turmoil of parental alienation.
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