Domestic Relationships is a domestic violence support group designed to help men who struggle with abusive, controlling, and angry behavior toward their domestic partners.

The group engages, encourages, and confronts men in self-examination so that they can transform into respectful and disciplined men. The primary objective: accountability for their own behavior and development of empathy for their impact on others.

Through this domestic abuse program, we help men learn that abusive and controlling behavior is a choice and that they can make better choices through education, discussions with other men, mentoring, and support. Men who follow this program can ultimately experience more love, respect, intimacy, and satisfaction in their domestic relationships.

The Men’s Resource Center offers in person or online domestic violence counseling. Contact the Men’s Resource Center for our fee schedule and more information about joining this group.

Batterer Intervention Certificate

For Me and My Spouse

I recently picked up a copy of Stop Hurting the Woman You Love in an attempt to salvage my relationship and restore it to the healthy relationship it was. After reading half of the book, I understand that I need to do more than to just read a book and attend some Anger Management courses. At my current rate, I will be done with the book by tomorrow night. I have let myself spin out of control, and I need to get a grip on my life. For me and my spouse.

Adam B