
  • Online Therapy

    The Men’s Resource Center offers online therapy and phone counseling in addition to in-person therapy. Receive confidential guidance from experienced, licensed, master’s-level counselors using HIPAA-compliant Zoom right from the privacy of your own home or office.
  • Don’t let physical distance keep you from the camaraderie and support of other well-intentioned men who aspire to live a more mindful and meaningful life. The Men’s Resource Center offers confidential, facilitated, online men’s support groups via HIPAA-compliant Zoom. To see if this might be a good fit for you, choose an option below to schedule an individual consultation. Or, schedule a detailed intake process with one of our licensed counselors.
  • If you need help for control issues, domestic abuse, or anger management, but help is too far away or hard to access, connect online with us! We offer confidential guidance from experienced, licensed, master's level counselors using HIPAA-compliant Zoom.
  • If you have – or are concerned about – a problem with addictive or compulsive sexual behaviors, you are not alone. The Men’s Resource Center provides confidential guidance from experienced, licensed, master’s-level counselors using HIPAA-compliant Zoom right from the privacy of your own home or office.
  • Divorce is upsetting. But parental alienation can break your heart. To be rejected by your own child and fear you’ll never see them again is devastating. There are so many questions and so much that just doesn’t make sense. This online support group for alienated fathers can help provide clarity, answers, and understanding in a safe space.