
  • Online Therapy

    The Men’s Resource Center offers online therapy and phone counseling in addition to in-person therapy. Receive confidential guidance from experienced, licensed, master’s-level counselors using HIPAA-compliant Zoom right from the privacy of your own home or office.
  • If you have – or are concerned about – a problem with addictive or compulsive sexual behaviors, you are not alone. The Men’s Resource Center provides confidential guidance from experienced, licensed, master’s-level counselors using HIPAA-compliant Zoom right from the privacy of your own home or office.
  • The Family Court system can be unwieldy and overwhelming. You want to shield and protect your children from the process and sometimes, even from the negative influence of your co-parent. Not knowing how to navigate the system can result in life-altering parent-child relationship consequences. If you’re working through a divorce or in the throes of resist and refuse dynamics — particularly from parental alienation — Randy Flood and his colleagues are uniquely positioned to guide you and/or your attorney through the process.
  • The intersection of Family Court and Psychological/Counseling Services can often be experienced as unwieldy and unpredictable even by the most seasoned attorneys. This is due in part to the various mental health professionals involved, petitions made, allegations lodged, and evaluations conducted, all with life-altering parent-child relationship consequences. By leveraging the specialized knowledge, well-crafted skills, noted expertise, and experience of Randy Flood, Zach Flood, and their colleagues at the Men’s Resource Center you can gain the advantage you need to more successfully navigate evaluations, mediation, and litigation in Family Court.
  • Criminal Court Coaching

    The Criminal Court system — despite recent efforts at reform — can seem as if it’s bent more toward herding defendants toward punishment than pursuing appropriate justice and rehabilitation. As a defendant or criminal attorney, you may find yourself seemingly caught between what the prosecutor thinks and what really happened. You know you made a big mistake, but you want your punishment to fit the crime. Randy Flood’s specialized knowledge in men’s psychology and his experience with the criminal justice system uniquely position him to help you navigate your next right step.
  • Life Coaching

    You may be striving for the fulfilling life you always dreamed of, yet, instead, you may be experiencing frustration because the vision you have for yourself hasn’t fully materialized. However, often progress toward dreams can be re-energized by honing relationship and communication skills because these skills are the core success determinants to obtaining fulfillment. If this idea resonates with you, hiring a life coach is a good choice for enhancing your communication and relationship skills.
  • Performance Coaching

    What is your peak performance? Find out by working with a Performance Coach to take you to another level of success.
  • Recovery Coaching

    You may be striving to resist cravings to drink, drug or stop other unwanted habitual behavior that is undermining you best efforts at having the life you want. Or, it may be that others in your life have been imploring you to change and you don’t think you need to you. Whichever is the case, engaging a Recovery Coach is likely the fastest way to figure out the best next steps to ending conflicts and converting unproductive and even life-destroying behaviors into a winning life plan.